Our Highlights

All Videos are available with english subtitles and description!

CAPSOR® eco overhead monorail machines

Did the CAPSOR® eco overhead monorail machines video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

CUBESTA® eco tumble machine

Did the CUBESTA® eco tumble machine video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

LINEXA overhead monorail machines

Did the LINEXA overhead monorail machines video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

CUBESTA® Foundry tumble machines automation

Did the CUBESTA® Foundry tumble machines automation video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

XILENTA® V vertical roller conveyor machines

Did the XILENTA® V vertical roller conveyor machines video catch your interest? You can find more information here.


Did the Retrofit video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

XEDURA® Foundry wire belt machines

Did the XEDURA® Foundry wire belt machines video catch your interest? You can find more information here.


HUBert for simplified loading and unloading of blasting machines with an overhead monorail system

Did the HUBert video catch your interest? You can find more information here.

LINEXA overhead monorail machine automation

Did the LINEXA overhead monorail machine automation video catch your interest? You can find more information here.


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